2nd Grade

Mrs. Shelly Cluck
I grew up outside of Highland and attended Highland High School. I am a graduate of HCC, Benedictine, and Baker University. I started teaching in 1996, and have taught several grade levels. I love teaching at Doniphan West because we have great students and awesome teachers!

Mrs. Andrea Lorenz
I grew up just outside of Bendena and graduated from Midway High School. I attended Highland Community College before receiving my bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Missouri Western State University in 2008. In 2011, I completed my Master’s degree from Graceland University. I started teaching at Doniphan West in 2011, after teaching four years at Wathena/Riverside. I love teaching second grade for many reasons!
To access your student's grades, attendance, meal balance and more, click the button below.
How we celebrate birthdays:
If you choose to send treats to celebrate your child's birthday, we ask you provide enough for the entire grade of 28 students. Celebration times depend on daily activities, and consist of a simple 10 minute party where students eat a treat (no games).
Supply list:
2 – Disinfecting Wipes, Large Canister
2 - Kleenex, Hypo-Allergenic
1 - Crayola Crayons, 24 Count
1 - Colored Pencils
2 – Large Erasers
1 – 10 pk Broad Line Markers
24 - Pencils (no mechanical)
3 – Black Dry Erase Markers
1 - Highlighter - Yellow
1 - Scissors - 7”
6 - Elmer's Glue Sticks (purple)
4 – Plastic Folders-Yellow, Green, Red, Free Choice
2 - Spiral Notebook
1 – Set of Headphones (NO EARBUDS)
1 – Large Plastic Pencil Box (approx. 8”x11”)
1 - Wireless Mouse
1 - Inexpensive Flashlight