Doniphan West seniors have taken a big step towards graduation by completing their Senior Project presentations, a DWHS graduation requirement. On Friday, April 26, 16 seniors p...
The last Character Trait of the Week for the 2023-2024 school year was teamwork! Congratulations to all of the Doniphan West students who were nominated throughout the year for sh...
Walk-in photos DWHS juniors, seniors, and guests gathered for prom festivities on Saturday, April 20.The official festivities began at 5 p.m. with photos at the home of Bran...
You are invited to attend the DWHS Senior Project Day presentations on Friday, April 26. See the links below for schedule information and topics. Seniors & Topics Presentation ...
Students in our community have been lucky to have Mrs. Gaul as a Kindergarten teacher for the past 28 years. She will truly be missed. We wish her well as she moves closer to her...
Congratulations to Hannah Albers for receiving the Ag Partners Scholarship! Hannah plans to attend K-State in the fall to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Ag Communications.
The elementary is beginning a journey to create an outdoor learning classroom. Please go to this link and enter a chance to win a $50,000 Makeover for Doniphan West Elementary. ...
Last week, the Character Trait of the Week was problem-solving (process of determining an unknown series of actions to take in order to find a solution) . Congratulations to th...
Doniphan West Elementary is proud to announce that not only was Rachel Gibson the Kansas Art Educator winner of the year but she was also honored this weekend at the National A...
This week, the Character Trait of the Week was Organization. Congratulations to the students who have shown the ability to prioritize resources, tasks, and time. Next week, the Ch...
You are invited to join us to celebrate 20 years of the Doniphan West FFA Chapter at our annual Chapter Banquet! When: Saturday, April 27 @ 10:00am Where: Doniphan West H...
The character trait this week was active listening. Next week's character trait is organization. Congratulations to the students who are great active listeners! Back Row : Madd...
Last week's character trait of the week was responsible (able to be trusted to do what is right or to do the things that are expected or required) . Congratulations to the stu...
Doniphan West Jr./Sr. High School had 127 students make the honor roll this quarter!. Congratulations, students -- keep up the good work! HONOR ROLL LIST
Juniors (Class of 2025) - check out this flyer to learn more about West Point's Summer Leaders Experience! Priority applications are due March 15th, but applications will be acc...