
The students and staff, of the Doniphan West Music Department, would like to thank all of the parents, community members and school staff for your continued support of our program. Over the past couple weeks, we have had some very successful programs with an amazing audience.  

We would like to give a Special Thank You to the following.

Barb Caudle for the new back drop for the Elementary Winter Program.

Dallas Keller for taking on the role of Leon during the 6th Grade Bands, "Diary of a Grumpy Elf."

Melissa Blanton, Dana Clary,  Joanna Ingmire, Carla Johnson, Amy Keebler, 
Danyelle McCauley, Stacey Miner and Stephanie Peterson for the snacks and drinks provided for the 7-12 music students after their performance.  

Below are some pictures from the PreK-12th Grade Winter Concerts. Not pictured are 5th and 6th Grade bands. 

Pre-K under the Direction of Mrs. Pitman


First and Second Grade

Third and Fourth Grade

5th and 6th Grade

7-12 Choir
Accompanied by Heidi Blair

7-12 Band