District Information
Apply for free/reduced meals! As part of the enrollment process, you will be able to apply for free/reduced school meals online. It is simple and you will be notified of your eligibility once the application is processed by the Food Service Director. Paper applications will also be available. If you receive Food Assistance (FA), Temporary Assistance to Families (TAF), or have Foster Children, your family automatically qualifies for free meals.
Meal Account Policy No more than $10 per student of lunch and/or breakfast charges will be allowed. After $10 of unpaid charges, the student must bring a sack lunch, or we will provide that student with a sandwich and milk for a maximum of three (3) days. You will receive notices of low (below $25) and negative (less than zero) meal balances via email. Once the negative $10 limit is reached, you will receive ONE (1) phone call to notify you that your student will be served a sandwich at the next meal service. After three days of receiving an alternative meal, if no payment has been received, no school meal will be provided.
Meal account balance carry over - Your family’s meal account balance (positive or negative) will carry over from what it was in Fall 2020 when universal free meals were declared. You can check your balance through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Payments can be made online through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, or via check or cash at either the high school or elementary school office. Make checks payable to: USD 111.
Parents of elementary students are able to eat lunch with their student as long as they call the office by 8:30 to request a lunch. Pay at the office upon arrival.
Doniphan West USD 111 strives to provide quality school meals while remaining fiscally responsible. To meet that goal, we created our “Beef It Up” Program. We hope with help from generous ranchers/farmers, we will be able to cut food costs, engage the community, reward ranching/farming families, and provide for students at USD 111. We are modeling this program after the USD 326 Logan Beef It Up Program and the Kansas State University Steer A Year Program.
We hope local ranchers/farmers will donate a beef to USD 111 to provide for the ground beef needs of the district’s students.
What are the BENEFITS to ranchers/farmers? If you donate an animal to the “USD 111 Beef It Up Program,” USD 111 will:
1. pay all of the costs to process. We ask the rancher/farmer to transport the animal to the processor (Diamond C Foods, 16229 318th Rd, Atchison, KS 66002).
2. provide donation documentation to the local rancher/farmer. The rancher/farmer can give this to his/her accountant for possible tax credit documentation.
3. provide a year of free admission to USD 111 events to the rancher’s/farmer’s family for their donation to the program. (This will not include post-season KSHSAA competitions.)
4. place an announcement such as “USD 111 Beef provided by the generous donations of USD 111 Farmers and Ranchers. Thank you USD 111 Farmers and Ranchers!” in all of the USD 111 athletic programs.
We hope that this program will be a “win-win” for everyone involved. This is an opportunity for local ranchers/farmers to give back to the local school district and be recognized for their generous contribution. We hope to reduce our ground beef costs, provide quality meat for students, and work more closely with ranch/farm families in the area.
If you have additional questions, would like to participate in the “USD 111 Beef it Up Program” or would like to donate towards the processing fees, please contact the USD 111 Food Service Director Anna Midyette or 785-359-6526.
Thank you for your consideration!